

你好,欢迎来到这个基于区块链的个人博客 名字:面包 / MrTwoc 爱好:跑步(5/10KM)、咖啡、游戏(MMORPG、FPS、Minecraft、Warframe) 兴趣方向:Rust、区块链、网络安全、量子信息(量子计算)、游戏设计与开发

Stage Introduction - Rustlings_110 Questions

Date: 2024.8.26


I learned from chatting with friends in the Rust communication group that Tsinghua University is hosting a training camp. I immediately felt very excited (Tsinghua University deserves its reputation). When I learned that the content of the training camp also includes implementing an operating system using Rust, I thought this was exactly what I wanted to participate in - it is both challenging and attractive.
I have never attempted such a large-scale project like implementing an operating system before, and now I am learning Rust, so I think joining this training camp is a great opportunity. It will not only allow me to further master Rust in practice, but also learn how to develop my own operating system using Rust.
Training Camp
Basic Stage - Rust Programming - 2024 Spring/Summer Open Source Operating System Training Camp - Open Source Operating System Community - Training Camp (

The training camp consists of several stages (Introduction Stage - Basic Stage - Professional Stage)

Basic Stage#

  • Laying a solid foundation for learning operating system design and implementation with the Rust programming language
  • Strengthening Rust programming skills by completing 110 Rustling programming exercises
  • The leaderboard needs to reach full marks to advance to the professional stage for further learning

Professional Stage#

  • Building various modules of an operating system from scratch and continuously improving the core functionality of the operating system
  • Completing 5 rCore operating system major programming exercises to gain a deep understanding of important OS concepts and master essential skills
  • Accumulating 500 points on the leaderboard to enter the project stage for team collaboration and completion of key tasks

The basic stage of the training camp requires completing 110 Rust basic syntax exercises, covering various aspects such as data structures, basic syntax, module testing/usage, basic macro usage, threads, smart pointers, iterators, and lifetimes. Among them, algorithm exercises (especially the 10 exercises involving linked lists) may be the most challenging.
After completing the 110 exercises in Rustlings, you can enter the professional stage and start implementing a simple system using Rust.
Currently, I have only completed the learning of the basic stage, and I feel that my grasp of the basic knowledge is not solid enough. Therefore, I plan to consolidate the basic knowledge again before entering the learning of the professional stage.
For future learning plans, I plan to explore using Rust to implement a time-series database (such as CnosDB), Rust game engines (such as Bevy), and continue to deepen my study of the Solana blockchain.
I also saw a suggestion from a classmate below the professional stage, suggesting to first learn RISC-V assembly here, and then come back to see the professional stage courses, which will be easier. [Completed] Step by step, learn to develop an operating system on RISC-V - Wang Chen - 2021 Spring_Bilibili
My rustlings address:
LearningOS/rust-rustlings-2024-spring-MrTwoc (

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