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Contract Development Tool Collection

Ethereum Direction#


MetaMask Wallet |
The wallet is the most commonly used wallet for EVM chain developers and users. MetaMask has a mobile version and a browser plugin (also known as an extension) version, and this article introduces the browser version.


Remix IDE |
For beginners, it is the best integrated development environment (IDE) for developing smart contracts. It can be used without installation and can be quickly started. Remix is the simplest development tool built on Ethereum and has a large number of plugins to extend its experience.
Remix can help us write Solidity code directly in the browser and provides tools for testing, debugging, and deploying smart contracts to the blockchain. In addition, Remix also provides:

  1. Code completion, code highlighting
  2. Code warnings, error prompts
  3. Runtime log output
  4. Code debugging

Remix is ready to use. You can open the Remix website:, and enter the Remix IDE:

Truffle Development Framework#

Truffle Development Framework |
Truffle is a blockchain application development framework based on Ethereum. It provides a set of development tools and environments to facilitate developers in quickly building and deploying smart contracts. This article will introduce some features and usage methods of Truffle.
The Truffle team also developed Ganache, which is a personal blockchain network for Ethereum development and testing. It allows developers to run Ethereum nodes locally without connecting to public test networks or the mainnet for development and testing. Ganache also provides many useful features, such as fast mining, preset accounts and private keys, Ethereum virtual machine debugger, etc., which can greatly improve the efficiency of development and testing. At the same time, Ganache supports seamless integration with the Truffle framework, making it more convenient for developers to develop and test smart contracts.

Hardhat Development Framework#

Hardhat Development Framework |
Hardhat provides a flexible and easy-to-use development environment for writing, testing, and deploying smart contracts. Hardhat uses Node for package management, and if you are familiar with Node and Javascript, Hardhat will be very easy to get started with.
Hardhat also comes with the Hardhat Network (Hardhat Node), which is a local Ethereum network designed for development. It is used to deploy contracts, run tests, and debug code.

Foundry Development Framework#

Foundry Development Framework |
Foundry is a Solidity framework for building, testing, fuzzing, debugging, and deploying Solidity smart contracts. The advantage of Foundry is that it uses Solidity as its first citizen and develops and tests entirely using Solidity. If you are not familiar with JavaScript, using Foundry is a very good choice, and Foundry's build and test execution speed is very fast.
Foundry has powerful testing capabilities, which can manipulate the state of the blockchain through cheat codes to simulate various situations. It also supports property-based fuzz testing.
Foundry has very detailed documentation, and the community has conducted extensive translations, see Foundry Chinese Documentation, which is very user-friendly for Chinese users.

Solana Direction#

Solana Online IDE#


SolScan-Block Explorer#

solana-testnet Faucet#

Solana Official Documentation#

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